Kate's testimony- I'm so thankful!~
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
“Worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it! 1 Peter 3:15.
One of our opportunities as a fit follower of Jesus is to share our testimony with others. A testimony is a public recounting of religious conversion or experience. I have shared my testimony in the past in various recovery groups and small groups. A mentor once told me to have a 5 minute 'elevator testimony' ready in case you only have a few minutes to tell someone when you became a Jesus follower!

In 2010 I decided to change my life. I felt lost and I needed a new purpose. I knew I needed to return to God of the Bible, the God I met when I was young.
I often turned to everything this world has to offer to feel better-I turned to shopping, unhealthy relationships, parties, sugary food, alcohol, drugs and I was unhealthy, broken and super depressed! But God was chasing me!
When I was a little girl I asked Jesus into my heart at a church service but the anger I felt after my parents’ divorce turned me away from God.
In my 20’s I came back to Jesus!-I got a job at WNIV-Atlanta's Christian talk radio station where I heard a pastor tell me even if I were the only person in the whole world Jesus would have still come to die for my crazy living and my sins, to redeem me back to God! I cried and repented right there in my car in the Kroger's parking lot. I got baptized at First Baptist Atlanta and attended church there for a few years! God even answered my prayer to meet Gary Hall Jr., the Olympic swimmer during the 1996 Atlanta Olympics! I love swimming! When Gary wanted to show me his gold metals I told him I couldn't I had just given my life to Jesus! But I began to backslide once again- which just means I walked away from the Lord.
In 2010 Jesus caught me in a jail cell in Fort Lauderdale. It was pretty clear life my way wasn’t working and I finally said “Jesus I am all in this time! Clark, Carole and Jim McCurley invited me to their church and I soon began greeting and serving at First Baptist Ft. Lauderdale! I began reading my One Year Bible, building my faith, stretching and riding my bicycle to recovery groups and Bible studies. I learned about whose I was-God's child, who I was in Christ-my true identity, what I have now in Christ-my weapons, Jesus, the Word, my authority and dominion in His name, the Holy Spirit inside of me, and who I was truly fighting against-satan and his demons.
I started helping Carole with pool exercises. We would walk and talk about what she was eating and how she was doing…and a fitness ministry began! Years later I am helping her husband Jim at 91 and we are encouraging everyone to get physically and spiritually fit for Kingdom service! We help people find healthy substitutes for our unhealthy habits. Just as Jesus was our perfect sin substitute on the cross-he became our sin and was punished so we won’t be punished for our sins when we place our faith and trust in Him and we begin to live for Him! I love living for Jesus! I switched Kingdoms- I went from serving the kingdom of this world-the Bible says satan is the god of this world-(2 Corinthians 4:4, 1 John 5:19, Ephesians 2:1-2) to living for and serving the Kingdom of God which will remain forever! (Psalm 145:13)

Today I run just as hard after the Lord and His Word and the things of God as I ran after the things of this world! I serve at Calvary Chapel Vero Beach-ccvb.net and have a huge church family and friends there. Today I am healed, sealed, saved and whole in Jesus. I am His beloved, I am an ambassador for Christ with the ministry of reconciliation. I am alive in Christ, I am victorious, I have the mind of Christ, I have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ Jesus! I am God’s masterpiece! I walk with Jesus. I am chosen and I am royalty! I apply these 7000 promises and prophecies about me found in God’s word to my life every day! There’s nothing better.
One of my life verses is Romans 12:1-2. I urge you brothers and sisters by the mercies of God to present your bodies as a living sacrifice to God, wholly and acceptable which is your reasonable act of worship to Him, and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you can prove what God’s perfect and acceptable will for your life truly is.
I encourage you to say 100% yes to Jesus today! Just pray this prayer with me-“Jesus I am full of myself, I am full of sin. I ask you to forgive me of all of my sin and I want to live for you now. Thank you for dying for my sin. Thank you for filling me up with your Holy Spirit who will counsel me and guide me! Let me remember we are never fighting against other people but with the wicked demons who always want us to fail.(John 10:10) Thank you for giving us this world and help me abide with you to make it better. Amen!” Praise Jesus the angels are rejoicing because you are now saved and re-born or you have been born again! (Luke 15:10, John 3:3)
Get involved in a Bible teaching church, listen to my church CCVB.net online at https://ccvb.online.church/ on Sundays, 8, 9.30, 11.15am and Thursday, 7pm or listen to super faith teaching programs 24/7 at www.ccvb.fm or www.govictory.com or download the Go victory app.
Follow us at Kates faith and fitness social media and sign up for our partner newsletter on our website katesfaithandfitness.org. Download our Fit with God and identity in Christ sheet. Thank you for letting me share my testimony! Have a super fit super blessed day with Jesus! Write to us and tell us if you have said yes to Jesus! We love you and are praying for you!