
Fit Blog


Enjoy interesting reads about being physically healthy, emotionally healed and Spiritually whole, fit recipes and healthy substitutes God and His Word have provided for us. Fit reading is always good for the soul!

National Mental Health awareness month

The month of May is National Mental health month. Myself and one billion others globally suffer from depression, grief and anxiety. I am still dealing with the effects of it from my divorce. My amazing sixteen year old niece took her life when an eating disorder began affecting her brain. People often turn to substance abuse or suicide to rid themselves of the pain from depression. What can we do??


Studies show a Mediterranean diet can help, intentionally eating more vegetables, fruits, nuts and healthy grains instead of boxed foods and sugary, bleached starches. Omega 3 supplements or fish can also help our brain fight off our depressed moods. Other supplements to try are Vitamin B12, Vitamin D and testosterone for men and progesterone and maybe estrogen for menopausal women. Your doctor can help you test for these possibly low hormones.

Exercise is another natural way to fight off depression. When we walk, run or ride and swim, our bodies naturally produce endorphins. These neurotransmitters or hormones can help reduce depression and anxiety, improve self-esteem, regulate appetite, enhance immune response and reduce pain in your body. These are also produced by listening to music, dancing and laughing!

What does God say about depression? God says to think and speak more positively even if you aren’t feeling it yet. As a man thinks in his heart, so he is-Proverbs 23:7. And Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8. We can control what we think about and God says to think on good things! God also tells us The power of life and death is in our tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit-Proverbs 18:21. So what we say matters. We are potentially the product of everything we have thought and have spoken in our lives up to this point! Wow! He also promises we have the mind of Christ- for, “Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ.-1 Corinthians 2:16. Be sure your identity is correct, we get our identity from the Lord, not from the world. Read my identity in Christ scriptures each day to remember who and whose you are.

I highly recommend exercising to produce those natural endorphins. But we know sometimes it can be hard just to get out of bed much less walk a few miles. There are a few simple stretches to get you going. These are also good if you are prone to sit too much. These work our walking muscles. Keep it simple.

Exercise number one is just marching in place. Hold on to a chair and lift each knee up to your chest as a march. Work up to 20 times, 2 sets of 10.

Next simple exercise is toe raises. Hold on to your chair again and raise up onto your toes then down. These will work your walking muscles and your ankles well. 10 toe raises.

Finally, practice sitting down then standing up in your chair. Sit down, then stand back up, 10 times.

These are a great introduction to getting up and going for a walk if you are feeling depressed. Take it easy. Do these stretches for a week, then try and work up to walking each day for 15- 30 minutes in a safe place. God loves you, we love you and lets get Spiritually fit together.


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