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Simple remedy for prolonged sitting~

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Tags: exercise daily

Comments: 1

Did you know prolonged sitting in a chair at a desk, on the couch, in your car will promote several chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity and heart disease?? When we sit for more than an hour at a time without getting up and moving and walking our blood sugar levels, blood pressure, cholesterol and toxic build up all rise.

What is the solution?? It’s simple-just get up and move!

For every hour of sitting, doctors agree we should stand up and walk around and stretch for at least 10 minutes. You may be able to eliminate the problems I mentioned above just by being more aware of how long you are sitting down and intentionally decide to take more standing breaks.
If you work from home, a standing desk is a practical way to minimize or eliminate back pain from sitting.
Or during the day at your job just stand up, walk to the restroom and drink a glass of water every 50 minutes or less.


Instead of sitting on the sofa for hours at a time watching TV why not-
-make a list of cleaning-out projects that need to occur in your home
-do one project a day or each week
-walk around and pray for your family, friends and community leaders
-walk around the block or around your building
-call someone and ask them to walk with you and share prayer requests
-march in place raising your knees as high as you can, 20 times
-perform toe raises standing high on your toes then back down to your feet, 10 times
-individually stretch each arm up overhead and reach up and over to the opposite side to stretch your side
-hang upside down on an inversion table stretching out your spine and alleviating pressure on your spinal discs

God created you, loves you and He will help you with everything in life including exercising and moving your body around! Just ask Him to help you and he will give you creative movement ideas each hour you are seated. Exercise daily and keep your cells moving!

Psalm 116:9-And so I walk in the Lord's presence as I live here on earth!

For these and other helpful tips and healthy scriptures follow us on Facebook and Instagram, check out our website and download our helpful Fit Guide full of simple, fit ideas. Your donation of any amount will help those who struggle with unhealthy habits and addictions of every kind! Thank you and let's help make America and the whole world fit again~

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  1. Louisa Louisa What about ms (multiple sclerosis) in the way? Moving is not an easy one. Been citing philippians 4:13 & Isaiah 53:5; now just remember Roman 8:11 which I forgot. Keep me in prayers for when there's 2 or 3 in the midst of thee in my name (Jesus) the Father will do. Wednesday, June 14, 2023
